stk124464rkeIt’s almost a newborn’s rite of passage. A baby can’t escape having its looks scrutinized to determine what he/she got from whom. Grandma’s nose, Dad’s eyes, Mom’s mouth, Grandpa’s ears, and on and on.

What we never consider is that maybe the baby inherited someone’s constitutional imbalance as well. Out of sight out of mind, right?

Well, when consulting with patients, it is not uncommon to hear things like, “I get migraine headaches just like my mom used to.” Or, “I remember my dad having the same exact lower back pain I’ve been dealing with.” Or, “My kids have horrible allergy problems just like I do.”

How is it possible that conditions like this are passed on from generation to generation? After all, we’re talking about symptoms here, not looks and physical traits.

When you begin to understand where symptoms come from, one explanation becomes abundantly clear.

First of all, remember that symptoms themselves are not a problem. They are a product of the underlying cause and they also serve as your body’s warning system. So for a certain symptom pattern to be passed on from parents to their children there must be a common underlying cause that triggers the outward symptom, and most often that cause is rooted in the meridian system.

When we look at the distribution of the meridian system, it is quickly apparent that each of the meridians supply energy to a specific organ and part of the body.

By tracing the symptom back to its origin in the meridian system, examination often reveals that parent and child have the same pattern of imbalance and tend to develop a similar pattern of symptoms and signs.

So the symptoms aren’t inherited, but rather the pattern that produces those symptoms. To continually treat the symptom is useless in the long run. The most effective strategy is to correct the underlying cause (meridian imbalance) and let the symptoms take care of themselves.

A child who inherits “clumsiness” from a parent will eventually develop the bumps and bruises that come with it. The point is that he doesn’t inherit the bruises, but rather the propensity to develop them. Work on correcting the clumsiness, and the bruises go away.

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